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Winter 2012 Capstone Senior Design Projects

Winter 2012 CEEn Capstone Request for Proposals

The CEEn Graduate Class in Business Operations has prepared the calling solicitations for requests for proposals for Senior Capstone projects to be completed during the Winter Semester 2012.

Capstone teams enrolled in the 472 Senior Design Internship class for Winter Semester will have three weeks to prepare a proposal for one of the projects. Each team will submit three hard copies of their proposal along with a prioritized list of interest in working on all the other projects by Monday November 21st.

Graduate mentors will then act as a selection committee for all projects and winning proposals will be announced by December 1st. Evaluation criteria are contained within the RFP's. If your team is not selected as a winner for your proposed project you will be assigned a project according to your alternate priority and score. View the RFP's for further instructions.


Riverton City Roundabout - Investigate the feasibility of using a round-about at a typical intersection in Riverton.

Midas Creek - Evaluation of the Midas Creek drainage capacity, obstructions, and improvements.

Temple Steeple - Design for a temple steeple in a high seismic zone.

Daybreak Couplet - Prepare a speed / warrante analysis for the Daybreak Parkway Couplet.

Riverton City Detention Basin - Design of a multi-use detention basin that provides flood control, but can be used for recreation during dry weather.

Copper Creek - Master plan for the Copper Creek that includes hydrologic analysis and alternatives to convey flood flows.

Wallsburg Church Camp - Water storage tank design for the Wallsburg Camp.

Provo Tabernacle Footing Restoration - Footing design for the restored Provo Tabernacle (temple).

Snell/Law Buildings Parking Lot - Design flood mitigation measures for the area around the Snell building and accompanying parking lot.

Casto and Dry Creek Springs - Design a surface water treatment solution for the Casto and Dry Creek Springs.